Electronic logbook

Photos and routes

Boatbond Logbook is much more than a traditional paperback logbook. Originally logbook’s purpose was to regularly document speed of a boat or a ship so one could deduce gained distance. Now it is much simpler with GPS-coordinates, which you can naturally store with Boatbond –logbook. You can easily add photos and your routes.


You can store your own notes to your logbook. Special observations like oil spills, shipwrecks, fairway blockages, beacon malfunctions and/or broken sea marks should be documented. It is also recommended to document septic tank emptying.

Sharing your logbook

You can tag all people on board in your logbook. You can also easily share your Boatbond logbook so that everyone can add information on your shared logbook. As a main user of a logbook, you can also grant viewing rights to your logbook, so that also people not present can follow your boat’s movements. Logbook can only be shared with other Boatbond logbook users. This enables better data security management.

It's easy

You can easily store weather data, refueling and performed maintenance routines to your Boatbond logbook. It automatically identifies boats that you have user rights to. You can also have user rights to several boats. This enables logbook maintenance also for shared boat owners.

Purpose of a logbook

Logbook is your boat’s diary. Sea law determines that a logbook should contain ship’s location or other significant matter in a port every 24 hours and at sea every watch turn. Logbook responsibility belongs to a chief officer on watch duty or head of ship.

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