Electronic Service book

Boatbond Service Manual is an electronic service manual that contains all data relating to a boat’s maintenance history and owners. This service is used by you and many maintenance- and repair companies. Both you and the maintenance company you use can store all data concerning your boat’s maintenance activities to the same service manual. The information stored in the service manual will in turn create a Boatbond value certificate, which is a comprehensive history document of a boat.

Electronic service manual enables you to maintain data described below:

Boat information

Here you can fill in basic data like brand, model, CIN-number, license, name etc. CIN-number can be found from your boat’s rear mirror’s right corner and it is the single most reliable identifier of a boat.

Boat information

Boat's features

"Boat’s features" enables you to fill data relating to your boat’s qualities such as length, width, weight, CE-class etc. Main color and secondary color –blank allows you to use color codes so that the actual original color specifications can be stored.

Boat features


Here you can add engines to your boat’s data. Fill in information and save, one engine at a time. Term “Location” means where the engine in question is located in the boat. After you have saved your data, you can add a second or a third engine. Please note – towing devices can be added to "Equipment" section.



Here you can update equipment related to navigation, electricity, pantry, interior, security, rig, mast and other equipment. You can also add serial numbers and installment dates at "additional information".



This section lets you maintain owners, controllers and operators. One boat can have several owners.


"Service" –section is two-leveled, which means that you can give a heading and a description to a service operation and then add actions relating to the service operation in question i.e. action rows. It is also suggested to add engine hours.
When you have added and saved engine and equipment data, it will show on your boat’s information. Now it will be easier to perform a maintenance action and save data pertaining to a specific engine or equipment. When a particular part is being serviced, the actions performed will show on your boat’s service history.


Photos and attachments

Here you can add photos of your boat. Choose "add photo" to download from your computer or f ex. USB drive. Caption can be added to describe the photo and its target. You can select a main photo which will show on your Boatbond value certificate. The same approach can be used to attach essential documents relating to your boat.


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Copyright Vesiholvi Oy 2011